Registration Deadline: May 29th, 2019
The European Fashion Award FASH, in cooperation with the Kunstbibliothek of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (Art Library of the National Museums in Berlin), announces the special award European Fashion Award FASH 2019 – Photo.
The European Fashion Award FASH and Kunstbibliothek of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin are looking for fashion photographs of the highest artistic and technical standards that reflect our time with expressive images.

Fashion: Lea Schweinfurth FASH2017; Fashion Photograph: Franco P Tettamanti; Creative Director: Joachim Schirrmacher; Assistant Digi: Sebastian Stöhr; Assistant Camera/Light: Hannes Meier; Model: Sarah Pauley; Hair & Make-up: Christian Oliver Merz; Styling: Lea Schweinfurth, Tabassom Charaf; Set Photograph: Bernhard Ludewig; Studio: Delight Rental Studios; Post Production: Franco P Tettamanti, NittyGritty.Berlin, Photo courtesy of SDBI.
Students of photography from the 4th semester onwards from all over Europe can apply. The European Fashion Award FASH is one of the most important international awards for fashion students. The focus is on the sustainable promotion of young talents. Two days of intensive workshops, exchange and networking await them. The Kunstbibliothek of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin has one of the world’s largest archives on the cultural history of clothing with its collection of fashion images and its famous Lipperheideschen Kostümbibliothek (Lipperheide Costume Library). Since 2005 it has included the portfolios of the FASH prize winners in its collection.
Images Make Fashion
The picture is fundamental in the communication of fashion. The staging and communication of fashion are the bottom line today. Smartphones and Instagram however, are making more and more images available in ever shorter time. The speed increases to such an extent that the importance of a single image decreases.
And yet we are convinced that professional fashion photography can do more. It communicates the character, moods and qualities of fashion in a variety of ways. The special award fashion photography asks: What distinguishes fashion photography?
When is it perceived for longer than a moment, a wipe? Which pictures show attitude and give food for thought?
Participants from All over Europe
The competition is open throughout Europe and is aimed at highly talented Students of photography, photo design, communication design or visual communication. Registration deadline is May 29th, 2019. Applications with a portfolio of previous work, motivation letter and curriculum vitae are possible until June 3rd, 2019. A jury of internationally experienced experts selects up to six finalists on the basis of defined criteria. In Berlin, one prize winner is chosen.
Members are, among others, Dr. Britta Bommert, Head of Sammlung Modebild, Kunstbibliothek – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin; Kathrin Hohberg, Managing Director, photographer agency Kathrin Hohberg, Munich; Joachim Schirrmacher, Creative Consultant, Director European Fashion Award FASH; Sandra Semburg, Streetstyle-Photographer; Tina Winkhaus, Photographer, Berlin.
Exchange and Networking
The finalists receive already extensive support: promotion in the social media, contacts and workshops with top-class experts and the jury on topics such as portfolio consulting, applicant training and practical work. The prizewinner’s work will not only be included in the collections of the Kunstbibliothek, he will also receive prize money of 1,000 euros, intensive, individually tailored coaching and media work.
SDBI – Promoting Fashion Talents Since 1978
For many years, the European Fashion Award FASH has been one of the most important international awards for fashion students. The award is presented by the non-profit Stiftung der Deutschen Bekleidungsindustrie (German Fashion Industry Foundation), SDBI for short. Founded in 1978, SDBI is the world’s oldest organization for promoting fashion students. The award winners have excellent career prospects. Over 40 supported talents work today for such internationally renowned companies like Adidas, Hugo Boss, Missoni or Dorothee Schumacher, for designers such as Vivienne Westwood or as university lecturers. In addition, they have often received numerous other awards.
Die Kunstbibliothek of the Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin
The collection Modebild – Lipperheidesche Kostümbibliothek of the Kunstbibliothek (Lipperheide Costume Library – Fashion Image Collection of the Art Library) is one of the few and at the same time one of the largest libraries and graphic collections on the international cultural history of clothing and fashion worldwide. Its collection comprises around 50,000 books and journals as well as 50,000 fashion photographs – by such renowned representatives as Karl Lagerfeld, Peter Lindbergh and Michel Comte –25,000 illustrations, 150,000 prints and 300 paintings. The spectrum ranges from fashion, dance and theatre to sports and games, festivities and ceremonies, table culture, travel and caricature.
From Designers for Designers
The European Fashion Award FASH is supported by SDBI, Messe München and its partners Deeken HR, Engelbert Strauss, Formes, Lectra, National Museums Berlin, Puma and Müller & Sohn. But it lives above all through private commitment: be it in the jury, the organization or generous donations. The prize for the young creatives is thus largely supported by experienced creatives.
Tags: #FASHberlin, Awards, design award, European Fashion Award FASH, FASH2019, fashion, fashion design, fashion designers, photography, SDBI, Top